Time flies – I have taken part in the work of Pei Hua for many years now. Over these years, I have witnessed group after group of Pei Hua trainees, having completed their training and returned to their places of work, giving full play to their own abilities and management knowledge attained in Hong Kong to make important contributions to our country's development. This is something extremely heartening to me as well as to my co-workers.
"Nurture ourselves, nurture the people" is Pei Hua's invariable objective, which means to foster in us lofty sentiments and a deeper understanding of our country through helping China train up competent personnel.

Since its inception in 1982, Pei Hua has funded, organized or co-organized 600 projects, which have benefited more than 1,250,000 people (up to 31 December 2015).
Apart from helping China in its human resource development, Pei Hua also pays much attention to the education of the younger generations of Hong Kong. We have set up the Pei Hua Scholarship for Hong Kong students entering top universities on the mainland, to encourage them to nurture a deeper acquaintance and a stronger identification with our country; and to make contributions to the development of China and Hong Kong after graduation.
There is a saying: "It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to educate people." Cultivating talent is a difficult task, and education is about “hundred year plans”. Pei Hua has only finished a quarter of the journey, and there will still be lots of work to do in the days ahead. A modern society is a knowledge-based, culturally plural society. We look forward to joining forces with community members sharing our visions to fulfill our commitment to China's personnel training and development.